I have been hard at work on the Baby Sleep Study (which is completely taking over my life at the moment!), and it is so exciting to hear from parent bloggers who are interested in taking part in the project! The study will also now be available at www.babysleepstudy.org . I'd better try to get some sleep myself now, because we have a busy day with lots of my extended family visiting tomorrow!
Hello Becky,
I see you posted a comment to my blog. How did you find it, by the way? It is supposed to be "private", so I am curious.
Let me know more about your baby sleep study. I may be interested in participating.
Hi Vashti,
I'd like to reply to your comment, but I can't get back to your blog now. It would be great to have you participate in the study, if you are interested! Perhaps if you visit my blog again and see this message, you can go to the site www.milestonesresearch.org and we can send you a message and tell you how we found your site.
Best regards,
Rebecca :-)
Hi Rebecca,
I did participate in the study. I event forwarded it out to my Mom friends. I look forward to seeing the results.
I am interested in knowing how you found my blog. Thanks for your help.
Hi Vashti,
Again, I can't get back to your blog to post a comment. I am using an internet search engine (Icerocket) to find people who may be interested in taking part in the study. I have run into some bloggers who set their profile to private, and I can't invite them to be part of the study. I'm not sure why your blog popped up if it is set to private, but I'm delighted that you took part in the study!
Rebecca :-)
I'm always interested in how surveys later portray patterns and wondering what might get missed because, by their nature, surveys have limited answers.
For example: one of the questions asked if anyone advised me to put my baby to bed in a crib specifically (if I remember the question right), and I had the option of choosing doctors, nurses, friends etc. I did have a nurse advise me to do that- but I was practically begging her for permission. We had our infant daughter in a bassinet in our room, and every time she made the smallest whimper, I would desperately whip her into bed with me to try to prevent my sleep from getting interrupted. The end result was that her sleep would get more interrupted, and I was sleeping miserably, with back pain and frequent waking. Not to mention mild paranoia that I'd fall asleep hard enough to let her slide out of bed (pretty unlikely), or that she'd get suffocated in the adult bedding surrounding her (something like 4 infants died in a week the summer after she was born due to sleeping with adults or from bedding type issues).
She's my second, and the first kid moved into another room much faster for the same reasons (or more). Unfortunately the only viable option for this kid is to put her in a crib on another floor. So I needed to hear from a nurse or a doctor that sleep integrity was worth it.
Anyways. Sorry to be so long-winded. I'll be interested in what your study indicates. Good luck with your research!
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