Apparently one of our cars was in desperate need of an oil change, so I volunteered to get the oil change done. These were some of the things that I learned in the process:
1) Although it is advertised as "The Best 10 Minute Oil Change in the World", it didn't take 10 minutes. Try 23 minutes, not including the wait time. Maybe that is because the air filter also needed to be changed.
2) I have to be actually driving the car to know how to signal. I seriously nearly couldn't figure out how to signal without driving the car, and I actually made the windshield whippers go back and forth. Embarrassing!
3) I was scared to drive over the whole in the ground of the garage floor. What if the wheel had slipped? Imagine the horrible accident! Ah!
4) The time has come to learn more about how cars work. So I went to the library and borrowed, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Auto Repair." I was also looking at one specifically for "Do-It-Herself" or something like this. It seemed to contain less information than the Idiot's Guide, sadly enough. So it is my mission to learn a little about how cars work each day. I've been meaning to do this for a long time. We'll see how long it lasts...
While I was at the library, I also ran into one of my best friends from elementary school who I hadn't seen for years! What a nostalgic experience.
But back to the auto repair now....

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Adventures in car repair, friends and music.
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