My presentation is driving me completely crazy. So I want it to be interesting. I just do not want to put everyone through sitting through a completely boring, put me to sleep, how can I escape?, presentation. It is hard though. I don't want it to sound too terribly gimmicky and weird. I have a lot of ideas tossing around in my head, and I've tried out a bunch of them. A cameo by James Blunt has gotten the axe. Too stupid. But I used the Simpsons before, and it went over fairly well, I think anyway....from the feedback that I got...unless everyone was lying. But I can't think of another sleeping related story to tell. That I am an insomniac? Unrelated. But I can't believe that this is almost finished. My buffer before this fall is quickly fading. I'm excited, but also terrified. And then I have this odd feeling that perhaps they made some kind of mistake, and they are going to phone me and tell me that it is all wrong and that I haven't been accepted. Crazy, I know. So the presentation is driving me crazy. My grandmother is an artist. I wonder if this is how she felt sometimes when she was trying to create something. But a presentation is more than reading your research off the slides. It's a mix of art and theatre too. And I have to put more than half of it on the chopping block tomorrow. Too long. Too detailed. Need to make all the points concisely. And it is driving me crazy.
Anyhow, I actually went out for dinner with an ex-boyfriend a few nights ago. We're good friends, and it was actually fun to hang out as friends. His version of it is that I broke up with him, but I thought that it was a mutual break up. However it went, we both realized that it was just not meant to be in the longterm based on our career interests etc. Not to mention the superficial movie and food and child interests. We could actually be hilariously honest with each other now that we aren't dating. He told me that he thought that my parka made me look pregnant, that when we went out for sushi he felt like he was on Survivor or Fear Factor, and that he would give Atonement a 10/10 for its boringness. Okay, I might agree with the parka thing, but I love sushi and I thought that Atonement was a beautiful film (James McAvoy helps with this, of course). But I told him that I thought Rambo (2? or 3? or 4? why do they keep making these horrid films) was the second worst film that I had ever seen. I mean, it has a thin, stupid plot, senseless violence, exploits a humanitarian crisis for profit, and the main character looks like a caveman. Not to mention the idiotic and bland and stereotypical helpless blond character. Give me a break. And my ex went out and bought something like the extended trilogy or quatriology or whatever it is called when they put too many terrible sequels and remakes together and sell them. Bleh. And I told him that he was too critical and that if he wore different shoes with his jeans it would look better. So that probably doesn't sound like it would be fun to hang out in a situation like that? But actually, it was completely hilarious. Sometimes I think that it is really hard to have cross-gender friendships, b/c one person is allows bound to have a crush on the other person or mutual crushes or something of that sort. Okay, well, there may be some exceptions to the above. But I actually, I think that it might work when you both are fond of each other...but you know that a longterm relationships is just totally not in the cards. At all. But hanging out and slagging each other off...well...this just might work. So while he is complaining that everyone keeps on trying to set him up with people that he is not interested in.....
...that leaves me looking for a Jim Sturgess look-alike with a brilliant personality, great sense of humour, and whose dream it is to practice social medicine and live in remote areas of Canada and Africa. Extra points are awarded for a cute accent, cooking abilities, and musical or artistic talents. Wish me luck, because I may need it.