Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clothing to wear on 3 continents!!

I need to figure out what to pack to wear on 3 continents, in several different cultures, in different climates, and that I can put in a backpack without it getting completely ruined. So...the requirements are as follows:
1) conservative so as to be acceptable in W.A. and also to help prevent malaria
2) adaptable enough to be worn in a warm climate, but something that I could add to in a cooler climate (ie the UK and Canada)
3) material that doesn't need to be ironed and will wash easily and that looks okay if you pull it out of your backpack and put it on
4) comfortable shoes- i need a pair for looking dressier and also a pair that are just plain comfortable for walking my brainstorming/consultations with my personal stylists (ha ha ha- they would be thrilled with me consistently wearing jeans and a hoodie everyday, I'm sure....), I've come up with some of the following options:

1) fairly longish dress made of non-wrinkling material that can be worn with cardigan and leggings and flats, or could wear light cotton shirt over for being conservative factor/malaria prevention
2) a pair of red shoes. I have no idea why, but I have been wanting red shoes since last fall. I seem to be on a kick of red things at the moment.

and that is all for now. I am going to have to think more. I can't go shopping everywhere I go, and I also want to get stuff that I won't be heartbroken over if it gets ruined. Hello Value Village. My self-appointed personal stylists (GM and L) should be rolling over about now. Some potential items are above. Conservative factor varies by item.

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