I am having a lovely visit with friends that I met through a program to connect newcomer families with Canadian families. Our friends through the program eventually moved to another province, and I'm visiting them now. The kids are obviously growing up! I can't believe how tall they are getting to be. Perhaps I am shrinking though?
I was so incredibly impressed by a lovely supper prepared by A, who is a young teenager. She made a lovely chicken dish with tomatoes and spices, as well as a salad garnished with lime juice. I don't know many other people her age who can cook so well! She seems to be doing very well in her new junior high school.
I was woken up yesterday morning by another A, who is in kindergarten. She explained that it was time to put a puzzle together, and she also noted that one of my eyebrows was white and the other one was the colour of my hair. She informed me that they looked like "Grandpa's eyebrows!" She'll be home from school soon, so I'm sure that she will have something interesting in store or some kind of plan!
Yet another A (there are a lot of kids whose name starts with A in this family!) is in pre-school. He is so adorable! We went for a walk the other day, and he had this indelible attraction to mud and puddles! He isn't talking very much yet, but he does have some interesting things to say when he does talk.
I went shopping with M. yesterday in downtown MH. It's kind of funny to see hills all around the city, because I am used to a very flat landscape. We had a nice time smelling all of the lotions and perfurmes at the bargain stores!
I tried to make a salad today the way that A & M had made it: lettuce, tomatoes, onions (optional), lime juice, corn oil, and salt. It was approaching the right quantities, but it wasn't entirely correct. I'll have to try again later on and get some more tips when everyone gets home.
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