I had a rockin'(!) Saturday night last night hanging out with my parents and my friend Heather and her daughter. Heather had extra tickets for a play called "The Syringa Tree", which was about apartheid in South Africa. At first I didn't entirely understand what was going on, as one actor plays all of the characters (and has a South African accent). But after a few moments it became apparent what was going on, and the story became fascinating. The plot centered around a little girl named Lizzie and her family, their servants, their neighbours, and their grandparents. It was interesting to see Lizzie's interpretation of apartheid changed as she grew up, and she went from acceptance to horror. It was a powerful story. I'd like to read the book written by the actor that wrote and acted all of the parts! And a huge thank you to Heather for sharing her extra tickets!
My brother has been obsessed with the movie "Across the Universe" since he saw it last year. I finally watched it, and I have to say that I thought that it was great too! Rock musicals are not what I would imagine I'd enjoy an incredible amount, but who can resist the music of the Beatles?
My parents were on holiday a few weeks ago, and my brother and my grandmere and I went out for dinner one night while they were away. I wasn't feeling very well, so I went for a walk. As I was doing this, I ran into a man who stepped on my ankle. I don't know how he managed to do it, but it hurt an incredible amount. As I limped off clutching my ankle (while wondering if I would ever walk again!), he said, "I really got you good, didn't I?" Is that some sort of apology? What an awkward situation. Luckily I can walk again.

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