So I had a conversation about white water rafting in Uganda in the frozen food aisle of Safeway. Yes. I had followed my mother into the store as she was doing some shopping after a meeting that we had both attended. But I couldn't find my mother. So I did the next best thing, which was to pick up a shopping basket and wander around the store and try to look purposeful while pretending to grocery shop while looking for my mother. And before I found her, I discovered that it was free sample day! Woo hoo! And to my surprise, the Safeway free sample lady was giving away breaded tilapia fillets. So I delightedly tried one. And I realized that they reminded me of something else: white water rafting in Uganda on the Nile. You see, when I was white water rafting, the guide was talking about Tilapia. Apparently it is quite common. I can't remember specifically trying any, as I was staying with non-Ugandans. But I do remember that most of the food that I saw in markets was kind of the exact opposite of the Atkin's Diet. Lots of carbs. Lots and lots of carbs. Almost everything on your plate is a carb in a variety of different forms. So I was so taken with the carbs, that I must not have noticed the Tilapia. Strangely enough, I had just come from a meeting about Uganda before I ran into the Tilapia in Safeway.
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